Welcome To Desert Oasis: A Hands-On Farm From Seed To Shelf

Our hands-on approach to farming is rooted in our family-first culture here in Fallon, Nevada. From growing to processing, we work with heart, curiosity, and determination — making sure the ancient and heritage grains we produce are worthy of your family’s table. We want to help introduce more families in the United States to teff, a nutritious super grain that has been a cultural and nutritional cornerstone in old world countries for thousands of years.
At Desert Oasis, we’ve been farming wholesome specialty grains for a long time, but no crop has sparked curiosity in us quite like teff.

The majority of the machinery necessary to properly harvest, separate and clean grains in America is designed around our most popular edible grain: wheat. When processing a much smaller grain like teff, the machinery doesn’t do the job. When we realized no one else in America was doing a serious job of producing teff, we started tinkering. We have that stubborn quality that keeps us dedicated to finding solutions. Now, having designed (and redesigned) our facilities around teff and other gluten-free grains for the past 10 years, we’re happy with what we’ve created: an efficient, smooth, family-run business that produces clean, fresh, quality grains. Teff really gave us old farmers a test, and we may never stop learning about this tiny, stubborn grain … but we’re buddies now.
To read more about our buddy teff, visit our Meet Teff page and get acquainted yourself.
– John Getto & Dave Eckert, Owners & Farmers